Quantum Education

Growing the quantum workforce.

Reaching future generations

Montana Instruments is proud to be a founding member of the National Q-12 Educational Partnership, an alliance among government, industry, professional societies, and the education community to foster a range of training opportunities to increase the capabilities, diversity, and number of students who are ready to engage in the quantum workforce.

Focusing on outreach and education in middle school and high school so as to introduce quantum technologies and science to inspire the next generation, the partnership seeks to broaden access to learning materials and quantum-related curricula to encourage hands-on experiences with quantum tools in the classroom and through online venues.


Initiatives & partnerships

National Q-12 Education Partnership

Launched by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation, Q-12 is a consortium that will expand access to K-12 quantum learning tools and inspire the next generation of quantum leaders.

Quantum Information Science (QIS) Q2Work

Q2Work is part of the National Q-12 Education Partnership and provides coordination and leadership to ultimately facilitate the community in its efforts to bring QIS into the classroom and other learning environments.

Interested in the Q-12 Education Partnership?
Visit their website today!
Visit Q-12 Website