The Rook™ is a 3-axis (XYZ) piezo-driven nanopositioning system constructed of ceramic and titanium.
What makes The Rook™ stand out from the competition is that all performance specifications have been measured and validated at the top of the positioner in a 4 Kelvin vacuum environment while mounted in an operational 100 mm Cryostation® platform – the same conditions in which customers would typically use it.
To distinguish even further, The Rook™ is the only positioning system available with bi-directional runout and multi-axis repeatability specified across the full travel range, which means this performance is achievable from anywhere within the motion envelope. With this performance and metrology comes the most complete and accurate expectation of a sample’s three-dimensional motion of any cryogenic nanopositioner on the market today.
The Rook™ is available as a factory-integrated option on all Montana Instruments configurable cryostats and includes best-in-class thermal links and a two-year warranty. Specifically designed for use in the CryoAdvance™ workhorse cryostat, it can also be utilized in the Cryostation® s200, which is Montana Instruments' largest and most versatile closed-cycle cryostat.