Performance Data
Example Measurements
White Light Imaging
A 3D calibration grid was imaged to demonstrate the system resolution. Fig. 1 shows the actual calibration target. Fig. 2 was imaged by our system (Cryostation® s50 - CO), with 14 pixels across the 1.2µm feature, or an effective pixel size less than 0.1µm.

Confocal Imaging
This experiment demonstrates drift free high numerical aperture confocal microscopy of single molecules at 3.5K in a closed-cycle cryostat. The samples are nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond that are known to be relatively dark single photon sources, which can be imaged only with well corrected microscope objectives with the highest numerical apertures. Fig. 4 shows a 20µm x 20µm view of a Nitrogen Vacancy center. Fig. 5 shows a single dot with a 2µm x 2µm field of view.

The Cryo-Optic add-on includes a special vacuum compatible version of a Zeiss Epiplan Objective.

Zeiss LD EC Epiplan-Neofluar 100x/0.75 DIC M27
The Zeiss LD EC Epiplan-NeoFluar objectives are classified as the best universal objectives, with best field flattening, and very good correction, with the addition of extra long working distance. Full specifications and transmittance curve on the Zeiss website.
Zeiss LD EC Epiplan-Neofluar 100x/0.90 DIC M27
The Zeiss EC Epiplan-NeoFluar objectives are classified as the best universal objectives, with best field flattening, and very good correction. It is optimized for high contrast with higher NA and resolving power than the standard Epiplan series. Full specifications and transmittance curve on the Zeiss website.